"You're a true friend,
Who Unblossoms freely, Advises justly,
Assists readily, Adventures boldly,
Takes all patiently, Defends courageously,
And Continues friendship unchangeably"
"When far away you are carried,
And to a fine boy you are married,
Forget me not for friendship sake,
And send me a piece of your wedding cake"
"Remember 'M' remember 'E'
Put them together and remember 'ME' "
"Sometimes we watch the days go by wishing they could
And we can't help but wonder why time must fly so
But we can keep in memory the happy moments left behind,
And can keep our special dreams of joys we hope to
And if we do the best we can through everyday we live,
If we consider what we have as what we have to give,
If we try to see some good in all that comes our way,
Then we will feel contended at the end of each day,
for then, we will have nurtured the very special art
Growing rich in happiness while staying young at hearts"
"I've looked to you so many time to see your happy
I've come to you for company to talk a little while,
I've laughed with you and shared with you a world
of special things....,
I've learned from you the precious joys that only
caring brings"
"So many times i see things that remind me of you,
And i find myself stopping to wonder what you might
be doing,
Or if you still think of me....,
Yet deep inside, i know if i really needed you,
I could count on you to be there for me,
Just as i hope you know i would be there for you....,
because that's what true friendship is all about"